Updates and Requests _________________________________
Mugen Dcm log file saves
3-12 For a Limited Time only you can download the whole game via utorrent here or directly if busy. Until then, all projects are postponed due to lack of resources.
12-10 Happy Holidays! Private progress videos and playlists now available on my youtube channel. 11/11/11 A back-up save revisited mugen on the gladiator update (wip) is only found here for anyone who's interested by popular demand. A Thanks to all my subscribers!
8-10 *Play this site's Mugen monthly by downloading the extras section below. Download the complete game right now. Check back for Quick post with updated links of my screenpack, and a Cosmic Carnage and Atom Lab stage coming Soon!!
-11/10 Old Flash update released. Beastboy player f'xed. Just organized for playability. Need Broken stages, Cosmic Carnage delayed til' next September. Here's an Idea..JSA vs Invaders the mugen game. Major postings will be on top, deleted links below. Was just a hobby, Nuff' Said. Enjoy.
5-10: Being a fond collector of comics during the 90s has had an impact on leaving this mugen site up, and was the reason for getting into Mugen as a Capcomized 1990s comic game, #1 reason for at that time the character buildups were the best. Scruffy Dragon has made the spider-man comic into this reality, check out the trailer here. -Understandably Mugen is a great tool for new art-styles yet needs improvements on code for this to occur. Wifi uploads available with these portraits or New releases included in extras section and screenpack Compilation, Randomly Uploaded releases will have to wait until Late Summer.
*For Now, This Mugen Site will be a seasonal update for uploads. Download the full compilation Above. New releases are getting better and better as well as toy figures for Hobbyists rather than fluidic arcade games.